MTA SUV Showcase
Explore the journeys of entrepreneurs that have masterfully leveraged the Start-up Visa program to transform their dreams into resounding achievements.

One Line Pitch: Contactless Payment with Bluetooth Technology.
Business Summary: BluePay is a simple contactless mobile payment platform consisting of a contactless terminal and a user-friendly application. It enables fast and secure mobile payments for both IOS and Android. Users can also transfer money using Bluetooth and handle their financial transactions. It is capable of paying bills, charging mobile, and showing transactions lists.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Boat Integrated Service System Company
One Line Pitch: Develop a diagnostic dongle with built-in software that accesses the data memory of the control units and provides the user with data and the ability to detect errors
Business Summary: This company is developing a diagnostic dongle specifically for boats that will have built-in software to analyze and evaluate the data memory of the control units and electronic devices. The data stored from vessel electronics will provide the individual with error codes if there is something wrong, identifying the underlying problem as it occurs. Beyond error codes, this software will also provide the user with real-time engine information, general information, display the status and function of sensors etc.
A boat is an extremely costly investment, and the associated repair and maintenance costs can accumulate over time. This company hopes to mitigate some of these expenses with its adapter hardware and its integrated software
Sector: Integrated Marine Automation System

One Line Pitch: BOLG is an online platform that creates a virtual lab space for biotechnology professionals to share knowledge, communicate effectively, and exchange information.
Business Summary: Biotechnology Open Lab Gate (BOLG) is an online platform that allows biotechnology professionals from across the globe to connect. This platform allows for a virtual lab space to be created online for professionals to share ideas and experiences to solve arising problems and issues in the field. BOLG looks to improve the way biotechnology professionals communicate and interact with this online setting.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Boost Social Health
One Line Pitch: Boost Social Health is an AI-powered platform for monitoring and tracking social health issues using gamification. This platform aims to improve the lives of users by learning about their issues, providing help and earning points and rewards in the process.
Business Summary: The company plans to tackle social health issues (substance abuse, obesity, mental illness etc.) through a sophisticated user-focused platform. This solution uses AI and machine learning to analyze user data and recommend solutions to their existing conditions. To further reinforce the progress of their users, they plan to offer points and rewards the more advancement they make. The company plans to launch initially in Manitoba before scaling out across Canada and internationally.
Sector: Consumer Healthcare Technology

Boost Tags
One Line Pitch: Advanced automated inventory control system.
Business Summary: Boost Tags developed a comprehensive RFID-based inventory control system for food and beverage manufacturers. The Company will repurpose and innovate existing technology to produce efficient and effective inventory control systems for industry operators.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Services

One Line Pitch: BraFit provides a mobile application that allows users to easily scan their body and receive the perfect brassiere based on their body.
Business Summary: BraFit has created an application that uses a combination of body scanning and a questionnaire to suggest the most suitable bras for their body. This product provides an array of recommendations for the user from a variety of vendors. BraFit looks to remove the hassle and struggle to find the perfect fit that bra shopping usually brings and provide a smoother and more successful search.
Sector: Mobile Applications

Brain Gym
One Line Pitch: Ataraxia has created BrainGym a mobile app that rewards individuals for engaging in scientifically designed mental activities which deliver a wide range of mental health benefits to the users.
Business Summary: Team is developing a mobile app that incorporates various types of scientifically proven (yet fun packed) activities that help in exercising the brain and achieving benefits like Relieving stress, Boosting Brain Power, Improving Memory; Focus and Concentration, Delaying Cognitive Decline and keeping one from developing Alzheimer or Dementia.
Sector: Bioscience, Communications Technology, Health and Wellness, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Online gaming platform where users earn points that can be redeemed for shopping.
Business Summary: Brain game is an online game and shopping paltform. Users play games and receive points that can then be redeemed as discounts for certain online shopping. BrainGame is primarily focusing on developing games for younger aged people, focusing on educational games and those that help to improve focus and memory.
Sector: Gaming

One Line Pitch: Bridgeflow – Revolutionary switch valve developers.
Business Summary: Bridgeflow developed a revolutionized switch valve. Their valve design switches between on and off without sealing surface contact. Once closed, the design provides the most reliable mechanized sealing. This valves “contact free” feature eliminates seal area wear, providing a longer lifespan in comparison to a conventional valve. When it comes to the production and utilization of this product, the side entry design uses less material and consumes less energy. The increased product lifespan offers their customers a “greener solution” by saving, and protecting, their investments.
Sector: Green Technology

BRILLIANT DEPLOYMENT LIMITED (Smart Project Deployment Company Limited)
One Line Pitch: Revolutionizing DevOps project management with a cloud-based collaborative platform.
Business Summary: Brilliant Deployment offers a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution tailored for DevOps project management. The cloud-based platform provides a real-time collaborative environment where all project stakeholders can seamlessly share, communicate, interact, monitor, and control each milestone towards achieving project goals. With advanced features and intuitive design, Brilliant Deployment streamlines project workflows, enhances team collaboration, and ensures efficient deployment processes, ultimately driving success for DevOps initiatives.
Sector: Information Technology

Brownie Link Services
One Line Pitch: Brownie Link Services is a one-stop digital marketplace specifically for legal services.
Business Summary: Brownie Link Services functions as a 24/7 digital marketplace available 24X7 for legal services. Using Brownie Link Services, lawyers who are just starting their legal practice can promote their legal services and solicit their first clients. Moreover, the Brownie Link Services solution also saves consumers’ time and effort with its one-stop SaaS platform, from searching and comparing to making appointments. Brownie Link Services also acts as a review portal for clients to rate each lawyer’s service and professional legal performance.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: A self-learning AI that classifies bank-reported transaction data for corporate aggregation, forecasting, reconciliation, analysis, and reporting.
Business Summary: Corporate treasuries, governments, and banks must classify transaction data as the foundation for tactical and strategic decisions in liquidity management, forecasting, budgeting, cash flow planning, and finance operations. btClassifier specializes in automated classification and analysis of large, daily bank transaction data sets. Products and services include integration consulting services, software implementation tools, and software modules.
Sector: Services

Budget Breeze
One Line Pitch: Personal Finance Mangement App: Empowering canadians to take control of their finances.
Business Summary: Budget Breeze is your all in-one personal finance solution. The user-friendly app streamlines budgeting,expense tracking,investment insights,and retirement planning,providing financial clarity for all. With strong growth potential and a dedicated team, team is on a mission to revolutionize personalfinance management.
Sector: Fintech

Building Stone Marketplace Mobile Application (BSMMA)
One Line Pitch: BSMMA has developed a marketplace platform for stonework that provides all users with increased accessibility to all types of stone building materials.
Business Summary: BSMMA is creating a marketplace platform that aims to provide all users with a more streamlined and centralized method of purchasing stone. With the current state of the market for stone materials being decentralized and in high demand, BSMMA looks create a space that provides access to all materials. BSMMA looks to empower all purchasers withing the market and provide equal access with their product.
Sector: Construction

Building System Design Software
One Line Pitch: Designing the smartest & most efficient mechanical systems using artificial intelligence.
Business Summary: The company is providing unique, innovative software that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to design the smartest and most efficient mechanical systems in an industrial building. This innovative technology uses proprietary software that saves construction companies and engineering firms time, and money and ensures mechanical systems are designed in the most sustainable means possible leveraging local & geographical strengths and the latest trends in clean technology. Team will produce revenue by selling an annual subscription to the platform, beginning in the Canadian market, and gradually expanding across North America.
Sector: Architecture, Communications Technology, Information Technology

Calibration Management Application
One Line Pitch: Advanced technology for management, control and automation of equipment calibration’s procedure.
Business Summary: This Company is building a calibration management mobile application package that utilizes artificial intelligence and machine interface to monitor and manage all equipment within a facility to continuously calibrate the equipment to ensure accuracy and quality of performance. Data can be automatically or manually entered, with results monitored by authorized plant personnel. The business will focus on the oil and gas, power generation and food processing sectors.
Sector: Industrial Equipment Software

Call Time
One Line Pitch: A cloud-based platform that improves senior health and wellness through connected care.
Business Summary: Call Time is an innovative cloud-based platform for senior citizens. The platform simplifies voice and video calling so seniors are able to stay better connected to their loved ones. Each user is also able to store and share their photo’s with connected family members. The platform can be used to design simple exercises, and uses intelligent fall detection technology to send automatic alerts for emergency assistance should a senior experience long lapses in inactivity. The solution can also be programmed to set-up reminders to take medication, to help seniors to remember to take their pills on time and at the right dose.
Sector: Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: Calmica is a technology start-up that aims to produce digital content and apply Virtual Reality (VR) as a pain and anxiety management method
Business Summary: Calmica offers an innovative virtual-reality-enabled platform that can act as a workable tool to distract adults and children who are undergoing painful medical procedures. We are also developing application software that allows users to order the VR headset and access digital content.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: Calminject has created a safer alternative to needles that eliminates the risk of needle stick injuries and reduces the phobia of needles.
Business Summary: Calminject has developed a new type of safety needle technology aimed at preventing injury and reducing the worry of those with phobias. With the current world population having a significant percentage avoiding vaccinations due to fear of needles and pain, they have created a new type of needles that will completely remove the risk of needle stick injuries. Calminject hopes that with their product they will be able to ease the minds of those with the fear of needles and increase worldwide vaccination rates.
Sector: Health Sciences

Can DineOut
One Line Pitch: Streamlining and enhancing the group dine-in experience at restaurants, creating a completely digital and contactless experience.
Business Summary: Can Dine Out is developing an online platform that will allow customers to search for restaurants, book a reservation at a restaurant, pre-order off of the menu in advance and complete the payment transaction for dinner on the platform. This platform is designed to enhance and streamline the entire process for a groups experience dining at a restaurant.
Sector: Hospitality

Canadian Cloud Service Provider
One Line Pitch: CloudSelect promotes and sells Canadian cloud computing and ICT services to the fast-growing APAC region.
Business Summary: Currently there are no platforms for international corporations to analyze, compare, and select the right Canadian Cloud Service Provider (CSP) for their business. CloudSelect provides a comprehensive platform that allows clients to filter through hundreds of CSP providers, compare alternatives, and select the optimal provider based on their criteria. The platform allows Canadian CSP companies to export their services easily and helps APAC clients save on CPS solutions.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Canadian Patient Care Inc
One Line Pitch: Canadian Patients Care Inc is a remote patient monitoring (RPM) platform that offers various features such as scheduling and automating patient-physician encounters to connecting, engaging, educating, guiding, and monitoring the user’s health status.
Business Summary: The Company’s remote patient monitoring platform will enable hospitals and doctors to improve care transitions, identify potential health problems and intervene before they become emergencies, thereby reducing readmissions and emergency department visits and preventing avoidable hospitalizations.
Sector: Life Sciences

Canserve Autocare
One Line Pitch: CanServ AutoCare: Streamlining car maintenance with hassle-free online scheduling and comprehensive services.
Business Summary: CanServ AutoCare is an innovative online car servicing platform designed to make the vehicle maintenance process more convenient and hassle-free for car owners. Our platform simplifies the entire process of scheduling and managing car servicing, offering a range of services to keep cars in optimal condition
Sector: Automotive Services and Technology

Carbon Offsetting Business for Oil Industry
One Line Pitch: AI-powered SaaS connecting oil corporations with tailored carbon offsetting programs while enabling accurate emissions measurement and actionable reduction strategies.
Business Summary: The platform seamlessly connects oil corporations with carefully selected carbon offsetting programs, tailored to their industry, corporate values, carbon emissions, and stakeholder preferences. Utilizing cutting-edge AI and machine learning technologies, our platform offers precise carbon emission measurement, prediction, and reporting functionalities, empowering companies to gain a comprehensive understanding of their environmental impact. Through accurate measurement and forecasting, companies can determine the true extent of their emissions and allocate appropriate resources towards offsetting initiatives. Furthermore, the platform delivers actionable emission reduction strategies to oil and gas companies based on their current and projected emission data. Looking ahead, we aim to establish an industry-standard certification, enabling consumers and investors to make informed comparisons among companies within the same sector.
Sector: Environment, Technology

One Line Pitch: CarbonBridge is developing a comprehensive suite of tools and resources that will provide oil and gas companies with solutions for decarbonization, which will reduce their carbon footprints.
Business Summary: CarbonBridge is building a product, using AI algorithms and real-time dashboards, that will help oil and gas companies optimize their energy efficiency and reduce emissions, which will lead to significant cost savings. The CarbonBridge suite of tools will include solutions for carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS) and methane reduction. The platform will also allow customers to track their progress towards decarbonization and sustainability goals.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: An AI-based software solution to analysis of ECG signals.
Business Summary: We are proposing a software which helps with the diagnosis and prevention of the cardiotoxicity by means of analyzing Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals through Machine Learning. Based on the result of this analysis, the clinicians will be able to diagnose cardiotoxicity in the early stages of the disease and plan the anticancer treatment accordingly.
Sector: Advanced Health/Health Care IT, Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: Cardoze is a web and mobile app in which users create, share and play with flashcards to study vocabulary in the most effective way.
Business Summary: Cardoze makes learning vocabulary in a new language fun, interactive and easy. The app utilizes crowdsourced flashcards to help language students internalize new vocabulary. Targeting the Canadian immigration market first, passing the language test for permanent residency will be a walk in the park with Cardoze.
Sector: eLearning

One Line Pitch: Application for creating virtual care communities
Business Summary: A mobile-friendly web app for creating virtual care communities. This platform connects caregivers and care recipients, fostering a powerful virtual support network. With features like the Caretaker role and time-sensitive invitations, this app is transforming the way people come together to offer and seek assistance.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Device and software that optimizes power consumption in homes, offices, and industrial units.
Business Summary: Carianloo has developed a device consisting of Low-power Current Transformers (LPCTs) that aids the user in reducing electricity consumption. This device uses energy more efficiently and can easily be installed without making any changes in the electrical switch board. The software is able to provide users with various required reports and suitable approaches to consumption reduction.
Sector: Clean Technology

Cariboun Solutions Inc
One Line Pitch: Advanced technology to manage, control and automate equipment calibration.
Business Summary: The company is building a calibration management mobile application that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to manage all equipment within a facility, ensuring the accuracy and quality of the equipment’s performance. The company will produce revenue by selling this software on a subscription base to customers primarily in the manufacturing industries, or those that rely on machinery to produce a product or service. The company will start in the Canadian market and gradually expand globally, providing software that increases the accuracy, safety, and longevity of equipment by managing its calibration activities.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Manufacturing

CellSight Diagnosis
One Line Pitch: CellSight Diagnosis will automate and enhance the process of diagnosing Leukemia through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Business Summary: Leukemia ranks among the most common cancers worldwide and is one of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in Canada. The way to diagnose Leukemia has always been a complex manual process and as result it has inherent limitations that can impact accuracy, speed, and early detection. CellSight Diagnosis is developing an AI platform which enables a fast and accurate leukemia diagnosis through real-time analysis of microscopic cell images from blood samples. CellSight’s platform will utilize automated image analysis, pattern recognition, molecular profiling to accurately and efficiently detect leukemia which will be beneficial to both health authorities and patients.
Sector: Life Sciences

Central Secure
One Line Pitch: AI-driven cloud security, seamless integration, and unparalleled data protection
Business Summary: CentralSecure is a cutting-edge cloud security solution that specializes in managing the security of IP and analog cameras for businesses. With seamless integration capabilities, it allows businesses to leverage their existing IP and analog security equipment, providing a comprehensive approach to cloud security and facilitating rapid scalability for future growth.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: An ecosystem that ensures overall food safety and sustainable agriculture
Business Summary: Xinotech Technology Services is building an ecosystem to ensure food safety and sustainable
agriculture through capability to trace by using innovative digital technologies such as Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, and IoT.
Sector: Agriculture, Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Chameleon CO has developed a CRM system that allows for the needs of users primarily in Immigration sector to be met and provide them with the ability to adapt to fast changing industries, it can be tailored to fit other industries as well.
Business Summary: Chameleon CO has created an CRM online platform that allows for easy use by users, along with readily available capability to adapt the CRM as needed. Unlike generic CRMs, Chameleon CRM encompasses all categories of immigration in different countries. It could easily be updated based on regulation’s changes. With the ability to have a CRM system that enables quick and efficient changes, this system can be customed to a user’s liking and provide them with the ability to constantly adapt and thrive in fast paced industries.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Charism Immersive Technology
One Line Pitch: Assisting the elderly through virtual and augmented reality-based therapy services.
Business Summary: Immersive Technology has developed a platform which can be used by mental health professionals to continue working with their elderly clients outside of therapy sessions. By merging VR/AR with tools to create physical sensations, their process serves to ease practitioner workload and speed up progress. What makes the solution so effective is that by incorporating the newest technologies, each patient receives a customized and personal approach.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Virtual Reality

Child Health Imprints
One Line Pitch: Saving children lives, the data way.
Business Summary: Child Health Imprints is engaged in the development and application of cutting edge informational and computational technologies including IoT, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to the practice of medicine in neonatal intensive care units across the world with the objective of making an early diagnosis of critical diseases and improving the overall quality of healthcare which is being provided to neonates.
Sector: Healthcare

One Line Pitch: The Disinfection of Drinking Water.
Business Summary: It is a highly effective, safe, and quick sterilization agent against bacteria, mold, fungi, viruses and their spores, recommended by WHO, FAO and EPA. It has huge benefits for human health as it is not carcinogenic like other related disinfectants.
Sector: Health, Infrastructure, Life Sciences

Chronotope Labs Inc
One Line Pitch: Spatial optimization with measurable theory.
Business Summary: Chronotope is a software company that specializes in spatial optimization. Their software uses geospatial data to help businesses solve problems such as efficient delivery methods or allocating a shared workspace.
Sector: Technology

CiphCom Cybersecurity Platform
One Line Pitch: CiphCom provides advanced, customizable cybersecurity solutions to B2B, B2C, and B2G users.
Business Summary: From navigating complex regulations to tackling cybersecurity talent shortages to effectively resisting cyber attacks, the CiphCom platform employs advanced threat detection and AES-256 encryption, providing robust defences against sophisticated cyber attacks. Its SaaS-based services are fully scalable to suit various clients’ needs, creating specialized solutions that enhance defences against targeted attacks – all in a single platform.
Sector: Cybersecurity, SaaS

One Line Pitch: CircleUp is creating a social networking platform to help people access the right social circles to elevate their business prospects
Business Summary: Unlike other networking apps that rely on manual search or basic algorithms, the CircleUp platform connects to the user’s LinkedIn account, and then uses artificial intelligence to analyze their network to tag everyone in various categories. CircleUp is also building a credit-based system that will ensure that the user will only connect with high-value people who are relevant to their specific needs.
Sector: IT

Claim Smart
One Line Pitch: AI enables automobile damage assessment technology.
Business Summary: The world’s first Automobile damage assessment AI. Connecting drivers, surveyors, and insurance adjustors. Adaptable to include government vehicle registration, fleet management, and ticketing capabilities.
Sector: Consumer Discretionary

Clarity Order
One Line Pitch: Clarity Order is a marketplace for premium furniture and design sourced from independent manufacturers, powered by AI and social curation.
Business Summary: Clarity Order is a marketplace for premium furniture & design sourced from independent manufacturers, powered by AI and & social curation. The experienced team has backgrounds from computer science, to design, to civil engineering. This broad experience will enable the ease of online shopping for premium independent furniture manufacturers across Canada while ensuring the important elements of the high-touch experience that independent furniture manufacturers crave for their customers.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Click Travel
One Line Pitch: An online platform connecting travel providers, distributors and customers through a “one stop shop” system.
Business Summary: Primarily designed to cover key market layers (Leisure & Corporate), Click Travel aims to correlate travel industry main segments and sectors. Practically called a Consolidator, the system is competitive in connectivity to global travel providers and GDSs on the top. Target customers fall under the B2C & B2B sector with a strong focus on targeting the B2B segment. Customers and end users have wide access to the ecosystem of all travel services ranging from air travel booking, accommodation, intercity rails and buses, cruise lines, travel insurance etc. at competitive prices and with a unique experience.
Sector: Hospitality, Online Travel Agency, Tourism

One Line Pitch: A mobile payments app revolutionizing Canada payment system by delivering most convenient and fastest payment solution in the country covering all consumer payments needs including In-store/supermarket, Instant P2P Payments & cross e-wallet transfers with fewer steps and more payment method choices.
Business Summary: ClickyPay’s solution intends to modernise Canada’s Payment system by providing frictionless money transfers with least payment constraints and more payment options available. With no payment pain points involved, customers can pay anywhere by scanning a QR-Code or entering registered mobile numbers at stores or online, transfer money to anyone directly into their bank accounts using their mobile number and also send money abroad instantly into any e-wallet using email IDs.
Sector: Technology

Clinic Sentry
One Line Pitch: A simple platform that allows patients to be reminded, based on their unique health situation, when they are due to make their next appointment with a booking link and reminders at predetermined intervals to book and show up for those appointments
Business Summary: General Physicians are paid per appointment and each appointment type carries different bill rates. Doctors are not always fully utilized and have gaps in their schedule, which means they are not fully maximizing their earnings, but conversely, they have large patient bases that should be seeing their physician regularly as maintenance (e.g. yearly physicals or female reproductive health) or due to a unique medical condition (e.g. diabetes). Most patients don’t schedule appointments as often as they should because they don’t know how often they should come for specific check-ups and aren’t reminded.
Clinic sentry is a web and mobile based technology which integrates with the most used appointment booking software systems and patient electronic health record (EHR) systems to provide suggestions on appointment type and frequency, with the ability to automate patient outreach with suggested appointment types to be booked.
Sector: Life Sciences

Closet Love
One Line Pitch: Mobile application that uses artifical intelligence to plan your outfit and organize your closet.
Business Summary: Closetlove Inc. has developed an AI-powered mobile application offering a modern wardrobe organiser and styling assistant, helping individuals organise their closets and plan their outfits. Closetlove Inc.’s goal is to help its users increase their productivity levels, shop more strategically, and decrease their textile carbon footprint.
Sector: Fashion, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: “Cmore” is a rear and side view mirror technology that can increase the driver’s rear fields of view by 48% as well as 68% higher focus to the front while driving than other devices with +12X less purchase price and installation than other drive-assist car parts.
Business Summary: Team has invented a mechatronic vehicles’ device which can resolve the driver’s distraction due to side mirrors and shoulder checks while driving. It has the ability to be used for all vehicles with all car brands even with high-tech tools and needs no skill to install or adjust.
Their product is gold and silver medal winner in 2014 and 2021 at international invention competitions due to offering higher safety features than existing drive-assist tools.
Sector: Automotive

One Line Pitch: High-end, integrated TV receiver system that utilizes a low-power single-chip designed to support 8K UHD TV requirements.
Business Summary: CMOSART designed a chip that is able to stream terrestrial and satellite channels simultaneously. Their product can reduce the manufacturing cost by 30% – due to single-chip technology; And support high TV broadcasting standards such as 8K UHD TV required by some channels.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Cocoon Cloud
One Line Pitch: Cocooncloud is a collaboration platform that enables you to build your own private cloud infrastructure with only a few clicks.
Business Summary: Cocoon cloud is an all-in-one private cloud solution that organizations can use to deploy their own private storage service on their location of choice. As a SaaS platform, our clients get access to collaborative apps enabling reliable and secure connections, storage, messaging, email, and other services within their company, and all the data is stored behind their firewall, with no access from the outside world. All governance compliance is adhered to including GDRP and ISO 27001 to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data processed by our platform.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Codoplan is an AI-based personal and professional planning platform.
Business Summary: Codoplan is an adaptive individual and social planning platform. Codoplan uses artificial intelligence algorithms, neural network algorithms, and data extraction in the form of graphical programming. We help users in their daily planning to achieve short-term and long-term goals.
Sector: B2B2C SaaS