MTA SUV Showcase
Explore the journeys of entrepreneurs that have masterfully leveraged the Start-up Visa program to transform their dreams into resounding achievements.

One Line Pitch: FDSBI is developing a platform where the MVP is expected to be ready for testing in Q2 of 2025 with initial sales to begin early the following year.
Business Summary: Traditional booking and operation management methodology of beauty salons and spas involve many manual functions coupled with rudimentary scheduling and CRM software which leads to inefficiency causing numerous problems including lost revenue. FDSBI will provide beauty salons and spas with a revolutionary all-encompassing cloud based AI platform that will maximize efficiency, profit and customer satisfaction.
Sector: Artificial Intelligence

Future Health Solutions
One Line Pitch: A remote monitoring solution that uses passive monitoring technology to monitor the condition of elderly people living independently and provide key information to family and/or caregivers.
Business Summary: Loneliness and social isolation in elderly people increases the likelihood of a decline in their abilities to carry out normal activities, to experience a decline in mobility, and loneliness was also associated with a significant increase in the risk of death. At present, there is no easy way for family and care-givers to remotely monitor health of the elderly who live independently in a user-friendly and cost-effective way. The solution is A Software-as-a-Service application that combines video and other passive monitoring technologies to provide users with real-time data and insights on the vitals, health, and habits of elderly family/patients.
Sector: Services

One Line Pitch: A Tech Based Platform for Autism Detection and Treatment.
Business Summary: A technology company focusing on designing a platform that diagnoses autism first hand, specifies its severity using screening tests, then helps the remission process using entertaining games and connecting directly with expert counselors.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Provides manufacturers with more affordable and cost-effective milk testing machines, water purity analyzers, and slurry analyzers for use in quality control.
Business Summary: Will sell milk testing machines to small dairy farms that would otherwise not be able to afford such a device. Will sell a water analyzer that is affordable enough to be purchased by even the smallest of water treatment plants. Will sell slurry analyzer for use in the mining industry.
Sector: Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: Gain is a novel digital aggregator platform that applies AI and BI algorithms for all three players in the recycling industry, resulting in higher incentives for recycling and generating higher annual revenue for all three “users”.
Business Summary: GAIN is an online platform connecting household users with recyclable raw materials to collectors and Recycling businesses willing to serve them. “Home users” generate the demand, “Collectors” and “Recycling Businesses” supply the demand, and “GAIN” acts as the marketplace/facilitator to make this all happen seamlessly.
Sector: Hub Services, Recycling Technology

One Line Pitch: Fantasy sports mobile gaming platform
Business Summary: GameOnzer is a forward-thinking fantasy sports mobile gaming platform that prioritizes equal opportunities for both developers and users. Their innovative platform empowers players to craft custom contests, complete with personalized rules, and invite their preferred participants. This approach fosters a dynamic and inclusive community, enhancing the user experience for everyone involved.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Gas Inspection
One Line Pitch: Gas Inspection is a software solution for oil and gas facilities of all sizes to manage the maintenance of their equipment; plan, predict and schedule maintenance; manage their workforce; control their parts inventory; and track their assets.
Business Summary: Gas Inspection consists of a backend dashboard accessible in the cloud, and a field platform accessible by authorized maintenance workers through unique printed QR codes for every tracked asset.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Life Sciences

GC Perfect
One Line Pitch: GC Perfect is a smart platform that helps contractors to professionally manage contracts, expectations and payments online & on the go.
Business Summary: GC Perfect focuses on contractor operational efficiency with ease of use, and full invoicing, payments, bank account, escrow, and email integration.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Services

One Line Pitch: Development and commercialization of acid-resistant (Enteric) soft gelatin capsules for pharmaceutical/nutraceutical industries.
Business Summary: The focus of our business is providing the technology of enteric delivery of soft gelatin capsules which could be used by pharma/nutraceutical industries for their product development. The routine enteric delivery for softgels consists of applying an acid-insoluble coating on the capsules after encapsulation process. We have developed an intrinsically acid resistant gelatin formulation which could be used to make enteric softgels in one step to create clear soft gelatin capsules, avoiding additional time and cost for coating process. Our technology provides an integrated enteric functionality in a softgel which could be easily used for rapid prototype development and formulation screening, avoiding different challenges of enteric coating such as high temperature associated with enteric coating process which could damage some of the ingredients in formulation.
Sector: Nutraceuticals, Pharmaceutical

One Line Pitch: GellaDerm is the creator of a natural, biocompatible bandage that absorbs wound exudate and provides enhanced breathability and healing time.
Business Summary: GellaDerm is seeking to provide medical grade bandages in clinical settings. These bandages lead to quicker healing time, allowing more throughput for medical facilities. Additionally, these bandages are made from biomaterials, resulting in cost advantages, and reduced environmental impact.
Sector: Biomedical

One Line Pitch: Using advance machine learning technologies, GenomicsMaster is an application for the analysis of genome sequencing sets
Business Summary: The GenomicsMaster technology will read, trim, assemble, annotate, and process different sequence data, and will then produce applicable information, including the name of the genes and the presence of any abnormalities. Deep learning is applied to find patterns in the data. The technology includes algorithm selection, data extraction, and transformation. Predictions can be determined and then, with cross-validation, comparisons can be made to predicted patient outcomes.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: A first in kind proprietary and patent pending wound rinse and topical salve for the wound care market.
Business Summary: GentoWound is an antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative wound rinse and topical salve that comes in a pH neutral aqueous liquid. It is effective against antimicrobial resistance bacteria and has dermal layer regenerative properties.
Sector: Healthcare

One Line Pitch: A decentralized insurance platform where members pool resources to create a shared insurance fund
Business Summary: Using Blockchain, decentralization and smart contracts, GetTakaful increases transparency, reduces costs, and offers more customizable and accurate insurance coverage options for its members.
Sector: B2C, Insurance Technology

One Line Pitch: Vehicular Mobility solutions for Connected Freeflow Mobility and E-Mobility
Business Summary: GETMO offers a revolutionary vehicular mobility solution with real-time data insights, integrating sensor-fusion cameras and a comprehensive SAAS platform. Addressing challenges in parking, curbs, enforcement, tolling, and traffic, GETMO’s deep tech solutions optimize space, reduce congestion, and promote sustainability, fostering seamless connected mobility for cities and businesses. With a proven track record in India’s largest smart parking project and recognition in global startup programs, GETMO aims to transform the future of urban mobility.

GIBE Pharma Inc.
One Line Pitch: GIBE Pharma (GIBE) is developing a comprehensive consultancy practice and complementary technology to help individuals receive personalized healthcare and, in turn, understand how their genes affect the way their body responds to certain medicines, while also helping them schedule affordable counseling sessions with qualified physicians
Business Summary: GIBE Pharma is creating personalized solutions for diminishing severe drug reactions and medication-related errors. GIBE’s services will also include pharmacogenetic testing, allowing physicians to provide expert guidance tailored to individuals’ genetic profiles. This approach will reduce the occurrence of severe drug reactions that claim thousands of lives each year. GIBE will also assist in monitoring medication intake and provide related educational resources to minimize errors.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Giga Innovation Tech
One Line Pitch: An innovative technology company focusing on intelligent manufacturing that provides internet-related services, products, and customized solutions for its users
Business Summary: Giga Innovation Tech System Co., Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Yunnan Dongfang Group. The company offers innovative systems and solutions focused on intelligent manufacturing. Giga Innovation Tech’s intelligent systems and products are based on specialized platforms and cloud service technologies that can be easily adopted by the end user to process information quickly, thereby increasing efficiency and productivity. The company’s smart products and services may be adopted by high-tech industries in electronics, biopharmaceuticals and new materials at a lower cost compared to its competitors.
Sector: Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing, Software

Giraffe Swap
One Line Pitch: Giraffe Swap is a company that provides a cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows individuals to trade digital currencies with other assets in a secure manner.
Business Summary: Digital transactions have become increasingly popular, thus leading to new opportunities for multi-currency exchanges in the digital space. Giraffe is a firm that provides a decentralized exchange platform, allowing individuals to trade their digital currencies with other assets and/or currencies in a secure, timely and efficient system.
Sector: Cryptocurrency Exchange

Global Anti-Counterfeiting Portal
One Line Pitch: GACP provides SMEs with a portal to access information globally related to the latest anti-counterfeiting resources and market trends.
Business Summary: By creating a subscription-based portal with the latest anti-counterfeiting resources and market trends across the globe, users can go to one location to receive the latest information by country, find the resources, and the technologies on how to better protect their brands, products and intellectual properties.
Sector: Artificial Intelligence, Security

Global Immigration Consultants Ltd.
One Line Pitch: Affordable and global solution to current immigration consultants approach ensuring more people are serviced at a lower cost.
Business Summary: Have created a platform that makes things easier for the consultants and the clients, through their unique approach and addition of DSS. GIC has lowered the actual assessment time to an average of 6 minutes, which enables the consultant to access double the amount of profiles in a single workday, compared to their competitors.
Sector: Services

Global Supply Chain Collaborative Portal
One Line Pitch: Intelligent and collaborative cloud-based platform for the entire supply chain management process.
Business Summary: One single online platform to enable all stakeholders to chat, share and share order information, quotation, product specification, invoice and all relevant information anywhere, anytime throughout the entire end-to-end global supply chain management process on a very timely monitoring and control.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology, Services

Global Talent Solutions
One Line Pitch: Global Talent Solutions (GTS) is an innovative Canadian business solutions provider specializing in HR, talent acquisition, and training services for domestic and international businesses across various sectors.
Business Summary: Our B2B services provide tailored HR solutions, talent identification, and optimization strategies, empowering companies to access top-tier global talent seamlessly. Simultaneously, our B2C offerings connect qualified professionals with rewarding employment and career development opportunities, supported by a suite of toolkit-style resources like language training and skill enhancement programs.
Sector: B2B2C SaaS, SaaS

Global Trust Insurance
One Line Pitch: A Saas tool or integrated software that allows claims adjusters to take detailed voice notes using smart devices and converts/connects the key data input to enterprise insurance claims software.
Business Summary: Insurance claims adjusters spend a substantial amount of time taking notes and re-inputting data into insurance company systems. Adjusters must keep detailed logs for their records but there is no efficient way to input key data points into the format of insurance claims software. The amount of time and money this problem causes is massive. We are developing a software tool that identifies key data and connects it to insurance claims systems from detailed claims adjuster voice notes.
Sector: Services

Go Direct
One Line Pitch: GoDirect is an eCommerce platform with hybrid of D2C & dark store models.
Business Summary: Go Direct is dedicated to surpassing customer expectations by identifying and cultivating opportunities that elevate their supply chain strategies. Guided by experienced leadership, creative innovation, and cutting-edge technology, the company is unwavering in its commitment to ongoing operational enhancement. Their business philosophy revolves around delivering the utmost quality service with the highest efficiency. At Go Direct, every order, client, customer, and team member is deserving of fulfillment, reflecting their steadfast dedication to excellence.
Sector: Food, Services

Go Pro Smart Co.
One Line Pitch: Artificial intelligence based smart home automation solution.
Business Summary: This application helps the target customers to monitor and control all their home devices from a smartphone or a tablet. The application, driven by artificial intelligence algorithms, allows customers to enhance their comfort level, safety, and overall experience of their smart connected homes and promotes optimum energy usage.
Sector: Home Electronics Industry

Gold Star Program
One Line Pitch: Cloud-based employee recognition platform
Business Summary: Gold Star Programs provides a cloud-based employee recognition platform with training modules for businesses. Their platform aims to educate and develop employees at all levels within organizations. Their goal is to enhance employee satisfaction, attract and retain talent, and address the changing dynamics of the modern workplace.
Sector: Communications Technology, HR Tech

Grand Win Inc
One Line Pitch: High quality windows, doors, and skylights manufactured using eco-friendly processes.
Business Summary: Grand Win Inc will manufacture, sell, and install high quality windows, doors, and skylights. The customers Grand Win Inc aims to target are homeowners, real estate developers, and retailers throughout Canada.
Sector: Windows and Doors

Gravity Integrates
One Line Pitch: Procures and delivers official documents needed for emigration/studying abroad.
Business Summary: Under the Worldwide Transcripts brand, we help individuals get the documents they need for studying, working or moving abroad. Using a combination of in-field representatives and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), we are one-stop-shop to get documents from across India to institutions worldwide.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: The functionality of GrayJay’s application is to help match service providers with customers in a timely manner. The app will allow people to match within a certain location and ultimately pay for the service with the integration of Stripe.
Business Summary: GrayJay offers a smart platform for exchanging services, where the providers build a virtual shop, receive back-office support and help attract leads all while making sure the customers receive the best rates and services. GrayJay’s founders through years of experience in management, software development and digital marketing have identified a gap with the on-demand platform and will help users exchange services at their fingertips.
Sector: Online on-demand home service provider

Green CarWash
One Line Pitch: Connecting car owners with local car washers for a convenient, environmentally friendly, mobile car wash.
Business Summary: Green CarWah is a mobile application marketplace that connects car owners with local, independent car washers who will travel to a car owners location and wash their vehicle using eco-friendly and waterless products. The application uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide further reminders and information to car owners on the optimal time and location to get a car wash based on their lifestyle habits..
Sector: Automotive, Services

Green Chicken
One Line Pitch: Green Chicken has developed a unique organically produced feed supplement designed to improve chicken’s health and egg laying productivity.
Business Summary: Green Chicken has made a significant improvement in feed supplements for chickens based scientific research performed using microalgae. As a result, Green Chicken will develop and market this natural feed supplement to the chicken industry in North America.
Sector: Agriculture

Green Power Generator
One Line Pitch: A new and innovative green power generator that will create electricity without harming the environment, being the most environmentally friendly power generator in the world.
Business Summary: This company will create a smart and intelligent power generator that produces green and renewable kinetic energy for residential, commercial, and industrial use. Due to the large amount of negative environmental implications that traditional power generation creates, the founders of this business decided to generate electricity in a way that, in addition to generating a large amount of electricity, produces the least amount of pollution for the environment.
Sector: Renewable Energy

Green Service Automation
One Line Pitch: Blockchain-based industrial automation systems for SMEs
Business Summary: Green Service Automation aims to help SMEs improve their operational efficiency with their blockchain powered automation systems. Through partnerships with multiple suppliers, Green Service Automation can provide design, installation, testing, and maintenance services
Sector: Automation, Manufacturing Solutions

Green Spiru
One Line Pitch: A one-stop shop for everything microalgae.
Business Summary: Green Spiru provides a range of microalgae-based products. As experts in microalgae, they offer strong customer assistance and fully customizable products.
Sector: Biotechnology

One Line Pitch: Greenbox AI Inc. has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) 3D Modeling software program that allows it to create reality and virtual reality environments that will assist industrial and small-scale manufacturers, engineers, and the gaming industry in a more cost effective and efficient manner.
Business Summary: Greenbox AI Inc. is an artificial intelligence (AI) 3D modelling software that simplifies the process of creating high and low-resolution 3d objects in virtual reality environments and augmented reality. Greenbox’s patented software and services drastically improve ease of use in 3D modelling so that anyone can create digital 3D images. It streamlines production saving in the gaming and entertainment industries by both time and money.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Decentralized investment crowdfunding platform for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-focused investment campaigns.
Business Summary: GreenChain is an innovative investment crowdfunding platform built on blockchain principles to enhance investors’ access amidst a surging demand for and interest in corporations committed to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials. Its blockchain technology delivers transparency while its partnership with ESG-certifying organizations enables a rapid certification process for corporations. The smart contracts automate the underwriting process that altogether empowers the ESG crowdfunding ecosystem to be more efficient and to assure investors of the integrity of the ESG stocks. The Company is strongly leveraging the lucrative growth in ESG investment in Canada by its innovative technology and business model to deliver speed to the market and access to
verifiable ESG stocks to corporations and investors, respectively.
Sector: IT

GreenGlam Tech
One Line Pitch: GreenGlamTech introduces an innovative fashion-tech initiative merging AI-powered personalized wardrobes with sustainable wardrobe rotation.
Business Summary: GreenGlamTech pioneers in fashion-tech by combining AI-powered personalized wardrobes and sustainable wardrobe rotation, providing a subscription-based model for curated, eco-conscious fashion experiences. Their personalized wardrobe service, driven by AI, is carefully crafted to address the environmental challenges posed by fast fashion. By implementing wardrobe rotation, they prolong the lifespan of each garment, thereby significantly reducing fashion waste.
Sector: Fashion, Technology

GreenHouse Energy
One Line Pitch: Greenhouse Energy (Services) Inc. provides an integrated technology platform that delivers industrial automation to the North American greenhouse market.
Business Summary: Greenhouse Energy (Services) Inc. is developing a fully automated greenhouse management system that encompasses sensors, automation control systems, software and other technologies to automate irrigation, lighting, energy consumption, remote control and access, that will ultimately provide more cost effective and efficient management of greenhouses.
Sector: Agricultural Automation

One Line Pitch: Green Smart Sense is an agriculture technology company with a focus on the industrial internet of things and artificial intelligence applications for the agriculture sector. We offer a platform for monitoring post‐harvest agriculture products and a proprietary index for measuring the quality of the products in the storage.
Business Summary: We provide agriculture sensors plus software for analyzing the data through artificial intelligence. Our patented technology “Green Quality Index “can detect the hotspots by collecting data from wireless sensors in the stored grains and providing a quantifiable index to evaluate the quality of the stored grains. In case of any anomaly detection in the received data, the system sends a notification to the owners immediately.
Sector: Information Technology

One Line Pitch: GreenSulfur has created an e-commerce platform to trade and buy sulfur.
Business Summary: GreenSulfur has created a platform that can be used globally for sellers and purchasers within the growing sulfur market. Using machine learning and AI, they have developed an e-commerce platform that will seamlessly connect supply and demand within the market and provide a streamlined process for both parties. GreenSulfur looks to capitalize on this currently uncontested segment within the market and provide ease of transaction to those within it.
Sector: E-commerce

One Line Pitch: GreenTech is developing AI-based software that will help urban planners and governments understand how to optimize the benefits of solar roofs and green roofs
Business Summary: With GreenTech, users can identify roofs that are suitable for solar and/or green roofs by assessing slope, roof orientation and roof structure. GreenTech will then provide a recommendation for the number of solar panels to install, how they should be positioned, and whether they should also include a portion of green space on the roof. For urban planners and local governments, GreenTech will equip them with the ability to analyze entire neighbourhoods and cities, allowing for the creation of accurate estimates of the potential capacity of solar energy production within a given area.
Sector: Green Technology

Greywater Recycling Solution
One Line Pitch: Greywater aims to replace today’s inefficient water management systems with a new smart recovery system in order to save water resources and provide analytical data to the user.
Business Summary: Greywater Recycling Solution Company is developing a software based on Internet of Things (IoT) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to recover reusable water. The company will use smart valves to measure the water quality at each stage, providing the software’s user with important information in real time.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

One Line Pitch: Online graphic designing solution for the printing industry.
Business Summary: Griphiks is an online solution specifically designed for graphic design and printing production. With a user-friendly interface, this solution eliminates the need for complex graphics design software. Combined with an automated order management system, customized CRM, and various other modules, Griphiks stands out as the preferred solution for professionals in the printing industry.
Sector: Information Technology

One Line Pitch: 100% Canadian organicSelenium Chromium Nutritional Yeast made from mineral sources and modern fermentation processes to supplement dietary deficiencies.
Business Summary: Yeast is used to absorb inorganic Selenium and Chromium and through an autolysis technique, organic Selenium and Chromium are extracted from live cells. The product is 100% organic powder of Selenium and Chromium rich nutritional yeast that can act as a dietary supplement.
Sector: Agri-Food Industry

One Line Pitch: An automated approach to virus screening and protection.
Business Summary: HABCO is an innovative assessment and PPE system which aims to prevent the spread of viruses and diseases. To manage assessment, the system will be installed at the entrances of hospitals, laboratories, etc. and automatically read various personal infection indicators and assist with with full-body PPE made of wearable plastic.
Sector: Personal Protective Equipment

One Line Pitch: Hadiware is an artificial intelligence-based solution for the planning, monitoring, and optimization of routes for organizations with logistics operations.
Business Summary: Hadiware is creating Optour, its proprietary, AI-based system that instantly calculates the most efficient routes for businesses, while meeting all constraints, regulations, and customer expectations that in the past have restricted growth. Optour minimizes resources and reduces fossil fuel consumption by reducing exposure to traffic congestion. With Optour routing solutions, businesses can create and execute plans that increase efficiency, provide greater visibility, streamline communications, reduce operating costs, reduce fuel consumption, and yet still meet customer and regulatory requirements. The Optour solution also reduces planning time and operation costs, increasing on-time performance, driver compliance, and productivity.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Halal Payments Network
One Line Pitch: All aspects of Islamic banking at your fingertips.
Business Summary: The Halal Payments Network team is bringing HalalPay to Canada, a mobile-first and easy to use portal to the Islamic finance world, allowing for ethical banking, saving, spending and giving through a custom VISA debit card, mobile application, and network of partnerships that enable Sharia-compliant payments, loans, charitable giving and much more over time.
Sector: Financial Services, Information Technology

Hangzhou Yaoxin Technology Co
One Line Pitch: One of the largest suppliers of AOC (Active Optical Connection) solutions in China, supplying products to a variety of top tier consumer electronic manufacturers.
Business Summary: Hangzhou Yaoxin Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 to commercialize PCIe over fiber products. Operating under the Mo-Link brand, the company uses innovative integrated circuit packaging technology to specialize in the development, design and manufacturing of optical cable products, and is committed to providing cost-effective solutions supporting higher-bandwidth, smaller size and lower power consumption.
Sector: Communications Technology, Information Technology

Harmonic Electrical Services Inc.
One Line Pitch: AI-based mobile platform matching customers with electricians.
Business Summary: Harmonic Electrical Services Inc. is developing a mobile application that acts as a platform for communication between customers, electricians, and companies providing electrical services. The app allows customers to request services such as circuit breaker repairs and installations, while electricians and companies can register and showcase their specialties. Using AI, the app matches customers with nearby service providers based on their needs and cost. This application ensures seamless and secure payment transactions for both customers and service providers.
Sector: Information Technology, Services

One Line Pitch: HealGyn has invented a novel, sustain-release drug delivery system for treating reproductive system infections and diseases.
Business Summary: HealGyn invention includes a Sustain-Release Drug Delivery Pad for treating Endometrial and Vaginal Infections. HealGyn provides the optimum dose of antibiotic pharmaceutical agents to treat such ailments in the desired time frame. It creates a controlled adhesion to the desired location in the reproductive tract. Another innovative part of the product is an optimized applicator which mainly provides the opportunity to deliver the drug in the desired place and avoids injuries to the susceptible internal wall of the reproductive tract.
Sector: Life Sciences

One Line Pitch: HealMe is looking to provide easy and consistent access to the appropriate specialist doctor with their online booking platform.
Business Summary: HealMe has created an online platform that allows individuals to match with the most appropriate doctor for their needs. Using an AI algorithm that assesses the need of a patient, this online system pairs them with a nearby specialist to provide a seamless and quick way to book appointments. HealMe hopes their product provides people with a streamlined way to book appointments easily.
Sector: Communications Technology, Health Sciences, Information Technology